In the context of certain courses, students at Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, Carleton-sur-Mer campus, conduct research on issues submitted by our members, either organizations, businesses, institutions or individuals. Called the Module d’aide aux collectivités (MAC), this teaching practice creates links between the community and college students.
Annual scientific symposium
Young researchers serving local organizations
The approach values scientific research as a means of regional development and CIRADD has been contributing to it since its inception.
Students present the results of their research each year in mid-May at a scientific symposium open to the public. It is a source of great pride for them and proof that their work can be useful to their community.
Completed projects
Through surveys, interviews, lab tests, prototyping or research, students can help you complete a project in a host of areas.
Here are a few examples:
- Determine whether mealworm has the potential to be incorporated into food for people by testing its nutritional characteristics, or as a lobster bait relative to its amino acid content;
- Combine sweet Gaspésian kelp with fresh goat cheese to create a product appreciated by the people of Baie-des-Chaleurs;
- Develop a method to reuse the tea leaves used to produce kombucha.
- Determine the impact of chatting on the different facets of an individual’s social and family life as well as on their academic success;
- Make the student population of Baie-des-Chaleurs aware of issues concerning drinking alcohol;
- Identify the perception and level of knowledge of the different generations of Baie-des-Chaleurs regarding credit cards.
- Measure the effectiveness of the various regional actions in terms of attracting and retaining immigrants and migrants from the CGÎ;
- Determine the dimensions of newcomers’ feelings of attachment to the territory that influence their choice to settle in the La Haute-Gaspésie RCM.
- Study of the environmental, economic and social viability of the composting activity in the territory of the Municipality of Maria;
- Explore new production techniques that will increase the speed of vermicompost production;
- By composting, reduce the volume of waste from the Microbrasserie Le Naufrageur and observe the influence of the rotation frequency on the rate of decomposition of organic matter.
- Determine whether the Inter-Community Harmony Project has made it possible to reduce racism between the population of Listiguj and that of Pointe-à-la-Croix;
- Compile a portrait of the perception of high school students in Baie-des-Chaleurs towards the LGBTQ+ community;
- Identify the social determinants that favor or hinder the participation of parents in the educational development of their children.
- Compile a portrait of the perceptions that homeowners have towards people with a mental health disorder;
- Identify the housing needs of students from the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, Carleton-sur-Mer campus, and the Envol vocational training centre, who have left the family environment to study in Carleton-sur-Mer;
- Identify and define the needs, encompassing everything related to accommodation, of people with a traumatic brain injury in the Gaspésie region.
- Identify the influence of the socio-economic milieu on the perception of the labour market among young people aged 16-25 in the RCMs of Avignon, Bonaventure and Rocher-Percé;
- Verify if there is a link between the labour shortage and hiring methods in Baie-des-Chaleurs;
- Identify the impacts of the Grand Défi: Building My Region competition on the entrepreneurial values and academic perseverance of young people.
- Survey the populations of the neighboring municipalities of Pointe au Maquereau to compile a portrait of their interest in the development of the territory;
- Evaluate how residents feel and think about the effects of climate change in coastal environments;
- Study the uses, knowledge and practices of users of the Cap-Chat River basin.
- Develop a cooking system that runs exclusively on solar energy using reused objects;
- Design and manufacture a hydraulic ram that is functional with a 30 cm water column;
- Develop tinctures from natural sources with inexpensive methods that are accessible to all, easy-to-use recipes, the use of local and ecological products.
- Determine if there is a difference between the prevalence of oncogenic factors in people with lung cancer in the Gaspésie and the national prevalence;
- Determine whether the isolation of seniors influences their participation in community life;
- Assess the importance patients place on their treatment for atherosclerotic diseases due to cholesterol.