Documenting the perceived obstacles to professional integration and retention into the labour and training market for people who are far from the labour or professional training market in the MRC of Côte-de-Gaspé
Partnership: Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi (CJE) Côte-de-Gaspé, Employment and Training Committee of Côte-de-Gaspé
Area of intervention: Community vitality and well-being
Services: Research and experimentation, Analysis and diagnosis
Year: 2021
Research Team : Jean-Daniel Allard Glazer et Annie-Claude Veilleux
Created in 2018, the Employment and Training Committee of Côte-de-Gaspé has for mission to improve the socioprofessional insertion of people far from the labour market and training offer in the region. To reach that goal, the committee wishes to better support the employment organizations and organizations from the education sector in the MRC by improving their knowledge of the population perception of their services and the existing obstacles to employment and training in the region.
It is in this context that the Employment and Training Committee of Côte-de-Gaspé sought CIRADD’s help to find explanations for the poor use of the employment and training services by certain parts of the population of the MRC and its surroundings.
In the following months, CIRADD will accompany the committee in every step of the project : literature review, building of the research tools, recruitment, data collection, analyses, etc. The CIRADD team whishes to lead a qualitative research with the people who are far from the labour or professional training market, with the aim of proposing a guide that will help the employment organizations of the region to better reach these persons according to their specific needs and situation.